You are 100% right. Your advice is on the mark. Everyone told me to avoid making my best work. They didn't know from snippets what it was about. A dear friend, connected to T. Malik said told me avoid it. But it works, it was me and it's authentically my style.

A film made for $30k was written about in the Library of America. https://www.loa.org/news-and-views/2158-the-other-american-gothic-director-cody-knotts-on-adapting-charles-brockden-browns-macabre-masterpiece-for-film/?

I worked harder, cared more, because it was me. I found my niche, 19th century American Literature brought to film. We are already working in pre-production on Hawthorne's The Blithedale Romance.

Thank you for caring and advising someone because you wanted, not because it would benefit you

The world needs more people like that


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This is a great great piece! Thank you

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“Smashing” read, it hit a mark or two - thanks. I thought Lorde’s first album had that ambitious feel to it as well. Such a different sound.

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Well said on all fronts!!

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