I love this! And it doesn’t have to be projects in the tens of millions. Think about the brand that Roger Corman created or perhaps the films of Ealing Film Studios where they had an entire crew on staff all year round making a new movie each month. Both Ealing and Corman knew their sandbox was that of breaking talent at lower budgets. The ability to capture direct to consumer relationships is massive but then the key is not only to serve them films. A small studio has to think about Lifetime Value and the MRR of each audience member in their inner circle. A24 are doing a great job at this with their own Merch. It’s the reason why Amazon and Apple have a future but Netflix can’t last (unless LTV is addressed in way that isn’t focused on passwords but rather on value offerings). I’m biased, my agency works with Hollywood celebs to build their brands online and we’ve built a large production campus in Oklahoma where we can experiment, at low budgets, with upcoming film talent making movies that have struggled to find a traditional home. Baby steps at the moment but I think you are absolutely right. If filmmakers want to become studios you have to produce enough content but become a brand. The best way to build a brand is to build it through partnerships with other large brands. But that doesn’t have to be film talent as there are plenty of partnerships to be had with non film focused brands for very little money if you bring content. Thank you for this article, it is great to read other people thinking in a similar way.

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Ealing Studios is a great example.

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Wow. The nuts and bolts of how to remake Hollywood. Love it.

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This. Is. Value.

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👍🏻🙌🏻👏🏻 the key is knowing and servicing your target demographic! Let hope this strike is over soon and we can all go back to work🙏🏻

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An interesting read. My sense is there will be opportunities post the strikes, and new players emerge with a fresh take. Maybe even the incumbent studios will re set? Let’s hope they listen to your advice.

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