I’ll never take flowers for granted again. I sense this is why my bride loves them so much…. I’d love to see the old left back as well! They made Hollywood great. It’s now batshit boring and in decline.

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“Everything you may have thought was cool about Post War America has been rejected.“ Wow. Reading this I couldn’t help but remember seeing the photo of Tarantino, Leo and Brad in a 60s convertible on the cover of Esquire. I had a terrible sinking feeling that cool was no longer a thing, it no longer had cultural teeth. This piece was very good but I’m not sure who you plan to shake out of their torpor - it’s the digitial world that has done this to us, and it ain’t going anywhere. Sometimes I think about the coming fascism and think, well, at least some good art will come of it. Cheers.

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We can start a new era. It’s been done before.

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Sorry about the double post. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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“Everything you may have thought was cool about Post War America has been rejected.“ Wow. Reading this I couldn’t help but remember seeing the photo of Tarantino, Leo and Brad in a 60s convertible on the cover of Esquire. I had a terrible sinking feeling that cool was no longer a thing, it no longer had cultural teeth. This piece was very good but I’m not sure who you plan to shake out of their torpor - it’s the digitial world that has done this to us, and it ain’t going anywhere. Sometimes I think about the coming fascism and think, well, at least some good art will come of it. Cheers.

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