Everything is always a "both, and.." situation. The business has been stuck in an either/or way of thinking and in doing so misses the clues for regular dose of cultural and aesthetic course correction. For 125 years, the film industry neglected wide segments of the audience. Like most businesses, in an effort to compensate for years of neglect, they made some errors. Very few are trained, let alone practice, long term holistic systems-based thinking. The industry went for dumbing down of work and thus the audience. It abandoned whole swaths. A well-balanced portfolio for all would have given them a wider map to examine for clues as to where mindsets might be heading. Fear has no place in this marriage of art and commerce. I am with you on betting heavily on thus that are right a lot. I also believe we need to have a system that produces outliers too. And although there is no reason in my book to just make the good, I do believe that we make a big mistake just relying on the genius of the few to generate the great. There are systems that can elevate a large proportion of the good into the great -- but it requires slowing down instead of instinctual desire to speed up. Nice post, Roy. Thanks for all the thought.
You’re of course right Roy let’s hope the need for profit and the desire to reinvigorate and reward talent merit and risk taking wins the day dispatching DEI to where it belong, to a Universe Far, Far Away!
I do think that young people want a crazy, wild, loud night out at the movies. But I think the indie sector will have to pick up the slack. I'm building a plan to do this. Would love to chat sometime! I moved to NYC to pursue this. I followed you on IG and you can reach me at Jb@partycrasherfilms.com
This is exactly right! The indie space is where the real opportunity for commercially driven original films will come from. Not some precious or message-focused prestige play, but a fun, entertaining, audience forward film made on a reasonable budget outside of the traditional studio system. The international market is already beginning to see this. Studios and the Hollywood system are not going to lead the way, but will only follow once the proof is there. Have been pushing these types of films within the studio system for years -- execs love them, but are never willing to take the risk to make.
Everything is always a "both, and.." situation. The business has been stuck in an either/or way of thinking and in doing so misses the clues for regular dose of cultural and aesthetic course correction. For 125 years, the film industry neglected wide segments of the audience. Like most businesses, in an effort to compensate for years of neglect, they made some errors. Very few are trained, let alone practice, long term holistic systems-based thinking. The industry went for dumbing down of work and thus the audience. It abandoned whole swaths. A well-balanced portfolio for all would have given them a wider map to examine for clues as to where mindsets might be heading. Fear has no place in this marriage of art and commerce. I am with you on betting heavily on thus that are right a lot. I also believe we need to have a system that produces outliers too. And although there is no reason in my book to just make the good, I do believe that we make a big mistake just relying on the genius of the few to generate the great. There are systems that can elevate a large proportion of the good into the great -- but it requires slowing down instead of instinctual desire to speed up. Nice post, Roy. Thanks for all the thought.
After three years of film industry research and analysis, we have come to similar conclusions.
From our perspective, Roy Price is "the smartest guy in the room."
Give this man a studio!
You’re of course right Roy let’s hope the need for profit and the desire to reinvigorate and reward talent merit and risk taking wins the day dispatching DEI to where it belong, to a Universe Far, Far Away!
Film sounds amazing. Not sure how I missed it. Adding to playlist and it shd certainly get a sequel. But in this market…?
I do think that young people want a crazy, wild, loud night out at the movies. But I think the indie sector will have to pick up the slack. I'm building a plan to do this. Would love to chat sometime! I moved to NYC to pursue this. I followed you on IG and you can reach me at Jb@partycrasherfilms.com
This is exactly right! The indie space is where the real opportunity for commercially driven original films will come from. Not some precious or message-focused prestige play, but a fun, entertaining, audience forward film made on a reasonable budget outside of the traditional studio system. The international market is already beginning to see this. Studios and the Hollywood system are not going to lead the way, but will only follow once the proof is there. Have been pushing these types of films within the studio system for years -- execs love them, but are never willing to take the risk to make.