Roy, Rick Beato is music analyst his latest video “Todays Lyrics Are Pathetically Bad” it got me thinking about your comment about the films that are not being made is there a parallel with the songs that aren’t being written today. Worth a watch particularly comments around Beyoncé new song.


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Good video. Unfortunately I don’t know much about the music business but maybe!

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I’ve just noticed Apollo have lobbed in a $11B offer, I kinda hope the family consider your suggestion some delayed gratification , I like the way you think ; I thought your idea with Lions gate and Starzs was interesting to. I feel if private equity get it it’s another nail in the coffin.

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Given that WSBets redditors are planning on shorting the stock, and previous round investors are taking a haircut, I think the IPO is a watch and wait thing. Unless you're already in and have shares to sell. Then Def gotta dump on day one.

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Don’t go against wsbets!

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"The Market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent." continues to be a guiding investment philosophy I think.

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